Learn skills and develop new competencies

Digitalis helps you get hands-on experience regarding leadership, communication, project management, and many more. Register to start learning the competencies of the future!

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What is VET?

VET is the backbone of many industries and countries. With more and more developments in the job market, companies need to adapt faster and build the employees of the future, today.

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What is Digitalis?

Digitalis is a personalized Learning Space that assesses VET students' personalities and provides custom-made educational materials and career advice for young adults.

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What makes Digitalis unique?

Built with personalization and futureproof in mind.

Personality Assessment

Get personalized learning materials after completing a secure, in-platform personality test.

Futureproof Learning Space

We went full digital. No need for teachers, classrooms and papers for students enrolled in the Digitalis online portal.

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Become a VET learner among TOP Talent

8 modules, 160 lessons and hundreds of peers to help you navigate tomorrow's employment!

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